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Čačalica Memorial Park in Požarevac


During your visit to Pozarevac, you must not miss a tour of the memorial park, which is also called the open-air museum of peace, which includes an entire hill under the unusual name Čačalica.

This magnificent park is 2.5 km away, or half an hour walk from the apartment accommodation in Pozarevac "Valencia".

Čačalica is a hill in Požarevac that has been turned into a memorial park. The park itself covers 28 hectares and is a favorite picnic spot of the people of Požarevac. Pozarevac is probably one of the few cities that has such a huge park that is beautifully landscaped and clean. A visit to Pozarevac is not complete unless you visit such an unusual place.

The toothpick has ideal conditions for walking; recreation trails are made with gradual ascents and rest benches are placed next to them. For younger visitors, Čačalica is a place where they play and learn about nature, as well as a space that helps them develop love and understanding for the living beings that surround us.

During your visit to Pozarevac, this beautiful memorial park is a place you must not miss. Especially if you are interested in the history of Serbia and want to see the monuments from the Second World War.


The memorial park was renovated in 1962. The authors of the monuments within the park are the architect Branislav Stojanović and the sculptor S. Mišić.

During World War II, about 3,000 NOP sympathizers and captured partisans were shot, so the place is marked by a monument in the shape of a wall, with rifle butts and partisan symbols marking the shooting of the victims.

U okviru spomen-parka nalazi se i kosturnica boraca Crvene armije, poginulih oktobra 1944. godine na području od Rudne glave do Mladenovca. Radi se o 441 ruskom vojniku u ciju cast je podignut ne samo spomenik, vec je zasadjena I 441 breza koje su donate iz Rusije.

U blizini kosturnice postavljena je mermerna ploča posvećena izginulim Jevrejima sa ovih prostora.

Within the memorial park, there is also the ossuary of Red Army fighters, who died in October 1944 in the area from Rudna glava to Mladenovac. It is about 441 Russian soldiers in whose honor not only a monument was erected, but also 441 birches brought from Russia were planted.

A marble slab dedicated to the perished Jews from this area was placed near the ossuary.

A "Monument to Freedom and Victory over Fascism" was erected on the very top of the Čačalica hill. It is 32 meters high, and its metal construction weighs 62 tons. It is placed on a thick reinforced concrete slab from which metal pipes run on five arms. The author of the monument is the sculptor Milorad Tepavac. It was discovered on October 15, 1985. This monument is popularly called "Zvezda", so the people of Pozarevac will probably not even understand what it is about if you mention the "Monument of Freedom".

Within this park there are a large number of trees of rare plant species and small animals. From some parts of the hill you can see almost the entire panorama of Pozarevac. Čačalice is a place that you must not miss during your visit to Požarevac.

The hill Čačalica is 208m high and is very beautiful and spacious. Nature lovers can enjoy several hours of walking in the park. If you like squirrels, you can prepare the camera in advance, because you will inevitably meet them during your walk.